June 8, 2000 (Updated 12/5/2012, see addendum)
The NPPA made what it believes to be compelling arguments establishing the fallacy of Peltier's alibi; Mr. X, in the previous sections, Mr. X: The Movie, and Mr. X: The Interview. What follows is the conclusive proof of Peltier's guilt and an offer for the concerned readers to decide for themselves, not based on any conclusions offered by the NPPA, or statements and allegations made by the LPDC, but to take the one logical step to resolve this issue.
As the NPPA has offered elsewhere in this site:
Read the book, "In The Spirit of Crazy Horse."
Watch the movie, "Incident at Oglala."
Read the words attributed to Peltier, but most importantly, listen to him speak, watch his face, look into his eyes as he tries to convince the viewer of this film of his sincerity, that he is innocent of murder and that someone known to him, whom he would not identify, killed the Agents and drove off in the red pickup. Listen and watch as Robert Robideau presents the same scenario with precise details. Peltier places whatever credibility he may have on the very essence of Mr. X's actions. There is no mistaking what he is saying, there is no room for confusion.
There are at least, with absolute certainty, three people who know exactly what happened at the Agent's vehicles after the initial shooting stopped; Dino Butler, Robert Robideau and Leonard Peltier.
In a 1995 interview with E.K. Caldwell for the News From Indian Country, Dino Butler responds to a specific question concerning Peltier's situation. The entire interview is available here or here.
Butler becomes philosophical and reflects on his life, the struggle of his people and how he has changed. He makes the following statements:
"I wasn't willing to spend the rest of my life behind bars for something I did no wrong for..."
"He (Peltier) is serving two life sentences for something he didn't do."
Butler goes on to explain what he means by referring many times to the "truth." This "truth" is a philosophical construct that he defines and refines throughout the interview that himself, Peltier, and others in the struggle, represent that which grows from a "corrupt values system," the agreements between the United States government and indigenous people of this land, the violations of the treaties between two sovereign nations, and the atmosphere of hate on both sides that has been passed down to each generation. Butler has devoted his later life to breaking this "trend of hate." Butler does not admit who actually killed the agents and contends that, "We have always maintained that those agents who were killed were caught in the crossfire." Although still protected from double-jeopardy, Butler is cautious and chooses his words carefully. What Dino Butler clearly does, though, is absolutely repudiate Peltier's alibi and the notion of Mr. X.
He goes on in sufficient detail to avoid any confusion about the intent of his answer that Mr. X was a lie and complete fabrication, even criticizing Peter Matthiessen for placing him and his family in jeopardy with those lies.
Dino Butler Interview
EK: Would you like to comment on Leonard Peltier's situation?
DB: I think what's happening with Leonard's case is a real clear example about spiritual growth being stopped and being separated from the people. When this thing at Oglala came down we were all there together and we were like a family who had been living together for quite a few months. Those of us who lived there the longest became close and we knew each other. We trusted each other and we knew what the person was going to do under any circumstances, whether it was life threatening or life fulfilling.
When that whole thing happened and people went to jail and people got killed, our family was still strong and we still believed in each other and supported each other. We represented the truth of each other and the truth of our family circle. We wanted to add to the greater circle of life where all life is represented.
Over the years Leonard became a prisoner of war. He is serving two life sentences for something that he didn't do. I know. I was there. We were all there that day. When I speak of our family, I speak of those who were there that day. They survived everything up to that point and survived through that. None of those people are close to Leonard now, and when I say close to Leonard, I mean as close as Leonard will let us be. He no longer trusts the people who were with him when this all started. It's entirely another group of people now.
Leonard represents a lot of things to the indigenous people of this land and all these things relate back to the truth. Leonard represents the truth. If we allow Leonard to represent anything other than the truth, then we become victimized by this corrupt values system that is keeping Leonard in jail today. That is the lesson that is there for us to learn. For whatever reason,Leonard doesn't seek advice and he doesn't seek direction from any of the family that was with him that day when Oglala came down and people gave their lives for what we're struggling for. I think that there is something there for Leonard to learn as well as for us to learn.
Leonard is taking direction from other people now. He's a desperate man. When you keep a man locked up like that for years, they become desperate and they will do anything to get out because they want to end that suffering. So he's willing to listen to anybody who comes to him and says they can get him out. Then he will turn his back on other people. That's part of that corrupt values system. Because he's insecure and isolated, separated from the people, it's easy for him to give in to it. That comes from loneliness and isolation. In his learning process at this time, he doesn't trust the people who were with him when this all happened. He listens to other people. People who are telling lies about him and about what really happened at Oglala.
Like this book of Peter Matthieson's, In The Spirit of Crazy Horse, it talks about that me and Bob Robideau knew about this guy who was coming to the camp that day and that he was bringing dynamite to us and that guy now claims that he is Mr. X. Well, there is no Mr. X. There was no man coming to our camp that day bringing dynamite. Those are all lies created to keep Leonard in jail longer.
When this Mr. X thing first started happening we had a meeting in California. There were people there who were at Oglala that day. It was brought up about creating this lie about Mr. X being there and killing those men to raise support for Leonard's liberation. To create this lie to show that someone else pulled the trigger. The final agreement in that meeting was that the Mr. X idea wouldn't be used because it was a lie. We decided that because everything that we had done so far was always based on the truth, and that it was the truth that had liberated us in our trial, that when the truth finally came out that it would liberate Leonard and set him free. So it was decided that nobody would use this Mr. X theory - that it would be shelved.
I came back from South Dakota that year from the Sun Dance and was told that the writer from the movie Oliver Stone was considering making about what happened at Oglala had come to Portland. He was picked up by a member who was there at the shootout that day and was taken to a phone. He talked to the guy who was supposed to be Mr. X who had shot and killed those agents. He supposedly drove down there in that red pickup after the shooting was going on. His shooting was supposedly a reactionary thing that happened when this agent looked up. Like it was more or less an "accident" or something. That is all totally false. Totally untrue. That never happened.
We have always maintained that those agents who were killed were caught in the crossfire. That red pickup had nothing to do with any dynamite being delivered that day or any Mr. X. The truck was operated by a man in the area who heard the gunfire and was worried about the safety of a family whose house was inside the compound. He checked the house, found no one home, and went on his way.
It is totally false that I had knowledge of who that person was and knew that person was going to come into our camp that day to deliver dynamite. I felt like me and my family were put in danger. I lost a lot of respect for Peter Matthieson as a writer and as a person I could trust because he didn't verify this, and it put me and my family in jeopardy. He never made any effort to contact me and ask me if this was true.
I'm not going to go out of my way to cause a scene over this because I can't divert my attention away from what is the real truth here. Peter Matthieson was victimized by that too. Whatever made him do that separated him from seeking out the truth. That's the important thing to me, not who's telling the biggest lie. What I represent is what I have to be concerned with and I have to be focused on the direction I am going in all the time. I cannot allow myself to become distracted by other things that do not represent the truth.
It's sad what's happening to Leonard today. Like I said, there's something to be taught there and something to be learned there for all of us. I don't doubt that Leonard could be a free man, but it has to start within him. He has to believe in himself first instead of believing in all these lies and the people who are wanting to bring these lies to him. He has to believe in himself because he is the truth of what he represents in this world. He represents a lot to his people and to all our people. He represents the agreements between the United States government and the indigenous people of this land. And all the violations of the treaties between two sovereign nations. Like them being there that day (the U.S. government) and causing that fire fight and the aftermath of it on that reservation, terrorizing the people to get what they wanted, which was a conviction of Leonard.
They also wanted a conviction of me and Bob Robideau and fortunately we got to have a fair jury. I never have believed that we had a fair trial, because the only kind of fair trial we could have gotten from the U.S. government was no trial at all. We weren't guilty of anything. But they did put us on trial and they told their lies. Enough of the truth was allowed to be presented in that courtroom by a fair judge that the jury would not convict us.
Leonard wasn't given that recognition at his trial - he wasn't allowed to present any truth. He has been separated from the truth that he represented in that courtroom. The jury wasn't allowed to see or hear or feel the truth. And he's been separated from it now. He's not lost, though. There's a way of going to the knowledge and there's a way of not going to it. We all have to learn the difference and that's what he's learning now and that's why he's where he's at today. Until he learns the difference, he's always going to be a prisoner of war, whether it be physically or within himself. Right now I think he's a prisoner all the way because he's allowed himself to become separated from his spiritual being and has become confused enough to believe the lies. He needs to get back the truth. The truth that Leonard represents to all of us. Maybe that's the lesson he's there to teach. He's not there just for the heck of it, you know. The corrupt values system of those who put him there is what's keeping him in there
Peltier conducted a telephone interview from Leavenworth Prison which was aired on "Democracy Now, The Exception to the Rulers". The entire interview is available on the web site, www.webactive.com.
Peltier makes many expectedly self-serving statements and demonstrates a fundamental misconception of the legal arguments during his appeals, but challenges both supporters and detractors to do just as the NPPA has suggested throughout this website:
Peltier: "This is one thing I want people to do, to do is, read, In the Spirit of Crazy Horse."
Peltier was asked only one question regarding Mr. X (with no follow up):
(Interviewer) "Through the years there's been discussion of someone named Mr.X who has come forward and admitted to some that he killed the two FBI agents. Leonard Peltier, can you explain who Mr. X. is?
Peltier: "Mr. X is, could be anybody. I mean there's no doubt that somebody killed these agents, but we don't know who he is."
So that there is absolutely no confusion about what Peltier said within a day of his latest (June 12, 2000) parole review hearing, and for the benefit of concerned readers and researchers, and particularly the LPDC and Peltier supporters:
"...but WE don't know who HE is."
Peltier has evidently decided that the alibi he offered for the world to believe, is forgotten. At this point, how can any reasonable person who has made any effort to explore all sides of this very important issue believe Peltier's claims of innocence? Peltier has lied to anyone who would listen, especially his supporters, and now wants to pretend as if he never offered this alibi in the first place: If Mr. X doesn't exist, then, presumably, it was never mentioned repeatedly (or he wasn't actually interviewed) in the book, "In The Spirit Of Crazy Horse," or "Incident at Oglala," that Mr. X was the real killer. Everyone must have been asleep when he made those statements. Does anyone remember Robert Robideau providing such exacting details and even pointing to the pasture where Mr. X was last seen killing the agents? Didn't Peltier tell us that he knew who Mr. X was but that because of his honor he would not testify against this person? "It would be wrong," "I won't do it," he said.
If Peltier will lie so easily to his own people, to his loyal supporters, to his high-profile admirers, why would anyone believe that he is innocent of killing Agents Jack Coler and Ron Williams?
Mr. X is Peltier's second lie. His first relates to the crime he committed on June 26, 1975: Murder!
Robert Robideau "Incident at Oglala" (1991)
"It was only a couple of years ago that I had an opportunity to talk with the individual, that was the individual that killed these two agents. He told me that he was coming to the Jumping Bull home to deliver explosives that WE had asked him to bring here." Robideau points to the field in the distance, and in great detail describes last seeing Mr. X shoot the agents and drive off in the red pickup." That day I noticed a red pickup coming down from that white house up there, and when it got on the other side of these cars, it stopped, an individual got out, of course I knew who he was. Robideau continues with the details of what he saw and what Mr. X told him. "…and fired and killed both of them. Shortly after that the individual got back into the driver's side of the pickup, and the pickup left, and made its way up along this tree line up here and past the green house, and I never saw the red pickup again."
(Postscript to Robideau: In a statement dated February 13, 2004 Robideau also conveniently ignores the Mr. X lie scenario:
"As far as I have ever been concerned the killing of the agents was justified...They were shot in the head at close range, but they were killed honorable (sic)...I have no remorse for the actions we took against our enemies in the heat of this defensive action." (Emphasis added)
The "we" Robideau refers to is not the lie of Mr. X, or the collective "we," but clearly himself, Butler and Peltier.)
(Further postscript to Robideau: In an email to the NPPA dated June 2, 2004, Robideau stated the following in which he refers to the NPPA 4th Anniversary statement, https://www.noparolepeltier.com/debate.html#fourth
I have just read your convoluted statement that Paul was so good to publish for you.
Since it is primarily directed at me I will express myself face to face with the dog barking at his own shadow.
I have never denied shooting at the two agents, I have said that my bullet found it mark on one of the agents early in the fight, a killing wound according to the pathologist's report.
If it pleases you I am "Mr. X" (which is no lie) and I did kill them with honor befitting a warrior, but they died like worms…
The rest of you letter is not worth comment.
your turn,
Robert Robideau
Peltier "Incident at Oglala" (1991)
"This story is true. But I can't and will not say anything about it. For me to testify against anybody or even mention, try to get somebody else in trouble is wrong. And I won't do it." (To identify Mr. X.)
Peltier (July, 19, 1991, Leavenworth, Darrin Wood interview)
"I can't say anything about that Darrin, I haven't said anything about it for almost sixteen years."
"No, because I know his intentions are to give credibility to my claims of innocence..."
"For me it's something very heroic that he's done. He's putting himself at risk, seriously at risk. I will say this: that this brother is a very strong brother. He is not a cold-blooded murderer. He is not a bad person, he's very kind, generous and sincere."
"...Because all the media have asked me about this, and it's the same answer, I can't say anything about it. I appreciate what he's done."
Dino Butler (1995, E.K. Caldwell, News from Indian Country interview)
"It was brought up about creating this lie about Mr. X. being there and killing those men...To create this lie to show that someone else pulled the trigger...So it was decided that nobody would use this Mr. X theory-that it would be shelved." "That is all totally false. Totally untrue. That never happened."
"It is totally false that I had knowledge of who that person was and knew that person was going to come into our camp that day to deliver dynamite." "He (Matthiessen) never made an effort to contact me and ask me if this was true."
Peltier (June 24, 1995, Matthew Schofield, The Kansas City Star Interview)
"I know I said I killed those guys once," Peltier, 50, said during a recent interview at the U.S. Penitentiary in Leavenworth.
Peltier (May 30, 1999, Peter Worthington, Toronto Sun interview)
"I don't know for a fact who did the shooting, but I think I know," "But I can't say anything. Who'd believe me? Besides, we have a tradition that you don't turn against your own. This wasn't a domestic dispute in 1975, it was a war. A soldier who's captured and turns against his own is ostracized. I want out of prison bad...but I can't point a finger at some else."
Peltier (September 10, 1999, CNN interview)
"I didn't kill those agents. I didn't see who killed those agents. And if I did know, I'm not telling. But I don't know. That's the point."
Do you know who killed those agents? "No."
LPDC (letter dated May 23, 2000)
"Mr. X has long been a controversial topic, by both supporters of Leonard Peltier and those who oppose his release."
Peltier (June 12, 2000, Pacifica Radio, Democracy Now interview)
"Mr. X is, could be anybody. I mean there's no doubt that somebody killed these agents, but WE don't know who he is."
Peltier (June 25, 2000, Lee Williams, Argus Leader News interview)
"I know I've said in the past who he is. I said it out of ANGER. I don't know who it is, either Mr. X, Y or Z."
Peltier (Prison Writings, St. Martin's Press, 1999)
At no point in Peltier's autobiography does he mention either Mr. X or the red pickup.
A&E, American Justice; Murder On A Reservation, October 17, 2000
"I don't know who killed them. I mean, I can't say anything about that. I just, I just don't know who did it. I don't wanna know."
A&E, American Justice; Murder On A Reservation, October 17, 2000
(Postscript, by narrator, Bill Kurtis)
"It's worth noting that in all the testimony from both reservation murder trials, no other Indians are identified as taking part in that fateful gun fight except from the men and teenagers from the AIM camp. Who else might have executed those agents? If somebody knows, they're not saying."
On November 3, 2012, Peltier attorney, Michael Kuzma of Buffalo, New York, during a blog-talk-radio program, made it official from the Peltier organization that Mr. X is, and always was, a lie.
Kuzma stated “From what I understand it’s now been determined that the Mr. X story was just concocted.”
For a more detailed review, please see the NPPA Blog of December 5, 2012.
“In the Spirit of Coler and Williams”
Ed Woods